Sunday, November 24, 2013

14A: eat, sleep, repeat

This Thursday is Thanksgiving day so we have a five day break off from school.  This break is perfect timing in my opinion.  Finals are right around the corner and this is the time students start to really get stressed out.  Hopefully these five days will allow everyone to catch up on sleep and come back on Monday ready to tackle the last few weeks of the semester!

I am so excited about break that I already have most of my week planned out.  On Wednesday I have to go to work, but not until later in the day.  On a normal week I usually have to wake up around 6:20 for my 8 am class.  When I get home from school I have just enough time to eat lunch and do some homework.  Then I go right to work and to sleep after.  This week will be different though without school.  I am planning on sleeping in as late as I can and just being lazy until I need to go to work.  The next day, Thursday, is thanksgiving!  Every single year since I can remember I have gone to my Nana and Papas house to spend the day with my huge family.  Unfortunately, this year is going to very different.  This past year both my Nana and Papa were diagnosed with cancer.  They have been going through treatment and just aren’t feeling up to having people over or going anywhere.  I am just going to have a thanksgiving meal with my parents and two brothers this year.  It’s going to be such a change for me.

On midnight of course I’ll be one of the people rushing around the mall trying to find the best sales!  Black Friday is one of my favorite days!  I love the excitement of staying up all night finding the best deals. After shopping I’m definitely going to sleep, sleep, sleep! That’s probably what I’m going to be doing on the weekend too!  I think that if I take a few days to rest, be lazy, and catch up with friends on Monday I’ll be extra focused.  I want to be able to come back to school and finish out the semester strong.  I am hoping that I will be able to do as good (or ever better) as I did on my midterms.  This upcoming break is definitely a good stress reliever to stop waking up early every day and to think of things other than school work.

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