Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11V: Innovation

in·no·va·tion   a new idea, device, or method:The act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods

Innovation can be describes as a new original idea that becomes important.  People are always coming up with new ideas and new technologies to better the world.  Innovation is translating an idea into a good or a service that customers will want to buy.  The key to this is for the idea to be one that will make life easier.  Everyone is always looking for ways to get things done faster and take the easiest route.  I’m not saying that everyone in America is lazy, but I think that we are to a certain extent.  A good example of this is online shopping.  No one wants to waste time to actually go out and shop when they can do it right inside their home with the touch of a button.  Innovation is about generating a new idea that will be successful in society today. 

Two other important words I learned this week are upheaval and officious.  An upheaval is a major change or period of change that causes a lot of conflict, confusion, or anger.  This word basically means a radical change, and usually relates to history. For example the civil rights movement marked a period of social upheaval in the U.S.  The word officious means when someone is trying to give advice when it is not wanted or needed.  It means to volunteer one’s services when not asked to do so. 

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