Saturday, September 7, 2013

2V: Take the Initiative

The definition for word Initiative is the ability to assess and initiate things independently, or in other words the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.  I think this word has a much deeper meaning than just this.  I think this word means to do something because you know it is the right thing, and not because it was asked of you. In college, sometimes you are expected to do things even though they aren’t asked.  Like to take notes on an assigned reading, or to ask your own questions.  In high school the teacher would always give exact directions of what to do, in college it is simply up to you.  I have learned that if you don’t set goals and have determination none of these things will ever get done.  A goal is the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.  In order to reach that desired result a lot of determination must take place. Determination  is simply never giving up no matter what happens.

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