Saturday, October 26, 2013

9I: Be like a sponge!

On Monday the 21st I attended the Sonia Sotomayor event in the Lyman Center.  This was a very important event because Sonia wrote My Beloved World , which was our common read over the summer.  I will always look back and remember attending this event because Sonia is a very important figure and is the Supreme Court Justice.  Sonia answered some questions that students submitted to her.  I thought this was very interesting because it showed that she wanted to talk about what we wanted to hear, instead of just talking to us in general.

Sonia gave some great advice to all of the students in the audience.  She told everyone to follow their dreams and do what they want in life.  She made me really appreciate that I am attending Southern.  She said to use the resources around us to better ourselves.  Every professor at Southern is here to help us students be successful people and to pursue our dreams.   She mentioned to “be like a sponge.”  I thought about this for a while, and even after the event it entered my mind.  This statement really stuck with me.  Sonia’s advice is perfect.  To be successful in life you need to listen to the advice that is given to you.  Don’t just hear it, but let in sink in and really listen to people when they are trying to help you.  Sonia also said to take courses to broaden your horizon.  She said take classes that interest you or classes that will just overall better you as a person.  This is great advice to help students become well rounded successful people.

It was a really great thing for Southern to hold an event like this on campus for first year students.  Sonia uses her own experiences to help others live their dreams just like she is doing.  Through all her struggles in life she never gave up.  She explained that yes, she has doubted herself at certain times in life.  But the incredible thing about Sonia is that she didn’t let the negativity affect her in the long run. 

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