Saturday, October 26, 2013

9B: Halfway there

It's so hard to believe that I am already done with half of my first college semester!  I still remember the first day, all the nerves and not knowing what to expect. Since the semester is halfway over already professors have posted midterm grades on Banner Web.  They do this so that students can see exactly where they are at and how they can improve or maintain their grade for the last half of the semester.

Signing into Banner Web, I was a little nervous to
find out what my grades were.  I saw that my midterm grades were A-, A-, B, C+, and C-.  I was definitely relieved when I saw that I was actually doing pretty well!  The only grade that I am upset about is my C-.  I received that grade in Spanish and that is the class I am having the most trouble with.  Iv'e never been good at Spanish, even when I took it in high school.  It just never has clicked with me. I'm not going to let that one grade upset me though.  In all my other classes I am doing very well.  I do all of my homework and so far I have been prepared for tests and quizzes.  I talked to my math professor about my C+ and she told me my average is a 79.  All I have to do is bring it up one point for it to be in the B range!

Overall , I am so happy with my grades except for Spanish.  My goal for the end of the semester is to finish with at least a C in this course.  I really need to keep up with all my homework.  Even if I know I won't do great on tests if I keep my homework and participation grades up that will boost my average. In order to raise my grade before the end of the semester I need to stop telling myself I can't.  My biggest problem with Spanish is that it doesn't come easily to me so I get discouraged.  I need to stop putting myself down about it.  I think if I have hope in myself I can bring up my grade.  I need to start believing that I can!

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